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Consultation Services:

We will provide consulation services for certain services, for children who do not attend therapy services at Building Kid Steps, LLC.  These are offered at the following rate:
$25.00 per 1/2 hour via zoom.  No insurance will be billed for these services it is a self-pay option only.
Must schedule in advance and payment is due at time of service.


Blue Cross Blue Shield HMO/PPO


Traditional Medicaid

Humman HMO/PPO



Driscoll Health Care Plan

Superior Health Care Plan



First Health

Please contact use about our self-pay rates

We regret to announce that at this time we are unable to accept United Healthcare, Aetna or Cigna for our pediatric population.

Self-Pay Rates

All Evaluations Completed: $150.00

All Treatments: $25.00 per 15 minutes of time - Minimum of 30 minutes per treatment

30 Minutes: $50.00

45 Minutes: $75.00

60 Minutes: $100.00 

Medicaid patients CANNOT be self-pay patients.

All payments are due the WEEK the service occurs on.  No EXCEPTIONS for insurance and self-pay patients after payment rate has been established.  We do have an on-line payment system that will bill you upon insurance processing the claim.  Please let us know if you wish to use this service.  Payment is expected within the week of the emailing of that bill. 


If you are having difficulty with payments for therapy, please speak Amanda and she can help you with payment option arrangements.  Clients with a bill of greater than 30 days old are subject to discharge from services. 

Victoria Location

4208 Retama Circle

Victoria,Texas 77901

Cuero Satellite Location

2550 N. Esplanade

Cuero,Texas 77954


Satellite Location

1013 S.Wells Street

Edna,TX 77957

*To schedule call

Victoria Location

Call us:

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Call us:

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Building Kid Steps, LLC does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, or age in admission, treatment, or participation in its programs, services and activities, or in employment, or on the basis of sex in its health programs and activities. For further information about this policy, contact: Amanda Luddeke, Section 504 Coordinator, at 361-578-2257 or for TDD/State Relay - 1-800-735-2989.



© 2014 Building Kid Steps

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