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OPTIMAL PATIENT CHALLENGE During rehabilitation, patients need to be challenged at and beyond their individual capabilities. Speed, loading and robotic support can be adjusted to optimally shape the intensity of the therapy. Patients are motivated to reach their goals with various game-like exercises. Their level of activity influences the performance of the task, the gait pattern and the speed. This Augmented Performance Feedback (APF) maximizes the effect of Lokomat gait training. Studies have shown when using APF, muscle activation and cardiovascular exertion can be considerably increased.


INCREASED EFFICIENCY The Lokomat allows therapists to focus on the patient and the actual therapy. It enhances staff efficiency and safety, leading to higher training intensity, more treatments per therapist and consistent, superior patient care.

Lokomat_training class.jpg

STATE-OF-THE-ART GAIT REHABILITATION Patients are increasingly more informed about what the most effective and efficient therapy is, and they use this information to decide where to go for their rehabilitation. All patients look to receive the most effective training possible and the Lokomat ensures high quality and repetitive gait rehabilitation—a great reason why a patient might decide on your clinic.


Robot-assisted therapy enables effective and intensive training and ensures the optimal exploitation of neuroplasticity and recovery potential.

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SIMULTANEOUS ARM AND HAND THERAPY IN A 3D WORKSPACE The ArmeoSpring allows simultaneous arm and hand training in an extensive 3D workspace with six degrees of freedom.


The ergonomic and  adjustable exoskeleton of the

ArmeoSpring embraces the whole arm, from shoulder

to hand, and counterbalances the weight of the patient’s arm.



The ArmeoSpring is part of the unique and modular Armeo Therapy Concept, the world’s first upper extremity concept that covers the whole “Continuum of Rehabilitation” with one software platform throughout a range of devices, each developed for a specific stage of rehabilitation–from early rehabilitation to long-term recovery.

Therapy using the 


       & ArmeoSpring           only at the

Victoria location

Victoria Location

4208 Retama Circle

Victoria,Texas 77901

Cuero Satellite Location

2550 N. Esplanade

Cuero,Texas 77954


Satellite Location

1013 S.Wells Street

Edna,TX 77957

*To schedule call

Victoria Location

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Building Kid Steps, LLC does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, or age in admission, treatment, or participation in its programs, services and activities, or in employment, or on the basis of sex in its health programs and activities. For further information about this policy, contact: Amanda Luddeke, Section 504 Coordinator, at 361-578-2257 or for TDD/State Relay - 1-800-735-2989.



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